Three Reasons to Insulate Your Attic

August 15, 2018by Whitson

worker spraying insulation foam in an atticWhen you think of upgrading your home’s insulation, your attic may be the first space that comes to mind. Do you really know why it matters? Here are three reasons to upgrade your attic insulation:

  1. Heating and cooling costs can account for 50-70 percent of the energy used in an average home. Taking steps to improve your home’s energy efficiency keeps your energy bills low and reduces wear and tear on your HVAC system.
  2. Air naturally moves upward through your house. Adding insulation helps prevent costly warm or cool air from leaving your home.
  3. Insulation creates a thermal blanket that helps maintain your home’s internal temperature. This means your HVAC system will work less to maintain your home’s interior temperature.

Adding insulation to your attic is one of the most cost effective ways to save money on your energy bills each month. Wondering if your home could benefit from additional attic insulation? Contact us for a free estimate.

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