What Is Insulation?

November 19, 2019by Whitson

worker on a ladderInsulation is any material that is used to fill spaces in your home including gaps and crevices. The purpose of insulation is to reduce heat flow by stopping heat transfer or reflecting heat. Insulation is also used as a sound barrier. Different types of insulation are best used for different purposes for electrical, thermal and soundproofing.

Insulation comes in many different types:

  • Fiberglass insulation is manufactured from recycled glass and is widely used. It is installed as a batt (also known as a blanket) or as loose fill (also known as blown-in).
  • Cellulose insulation is made primarily of recycled paper. It is often used to dense pack into closed spaces and is commonly used for soundproofing.
  • Spray foam insulation is applied as a liquid and expands to fill a space. As spray foam insulation expands it fills leaks. Spray foam insulation insulates and seals air leaks in one step.
  • Radiant barrier insulation is often used in warm climates and helps reflect heat away from a building.
  • Rigid foam insulation is manufactured in sheets. It can be cut to fit any space and is often used in new construction.
  • Mineral wool insulation is also called rock wool insulation. It is manufactured from rock that has been spun into fibers.

We offer a variety of insulation products for residential and commercial applications. If you have questions about insulating your home contact Whitson Insulation today.



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